Next Service Sunday: 

May 18, 2025 @ 10:00 AM

Join us as we worship through serving our community together! We will meet at the church building at 10:00 am for a devotion, prayer, and instructions on our projects for the day. We will be participating in Stanwood's Adopt-a-Street program and cleaning up trash from City park trails. Around 11:30 am we will meet back at the church building for a potluck lunch. Please bring food to share!

Unable to Join us in our Service Project?

If you are not able to join us in cleaning up the park trails, consider other ways that you may serve those outside our congregation this Sunday as an act of worship. Be Creative! Here are some ideas:

  • Go out to brunch and plan to leave a large tip for the person serving you. Get their name and pray for them in the week ahead.
  • Take some time to write encouraging notes and/or purchase gifts to give to local school teachers (staff directories are available online). 
  • Do some online research about how you can volunteer or otherwise support a local nonprofit that serves our community.
  • Take the courageous step to sign up and support a child through World Vision or Compassion International.
  • Begin your micro-lending journey through Kiva

Share your great ideas with us at