A Bit About Us

Our mission is to gather and equip disciples of Jesus Christ who will live out the gospel in the places where they live, work, and play.

We are a new church development of the Presbyterian Church located in the Northwest Coast Presbytery. We launched our new church in October of 2012 with a very small worship gathering and our first missional community on Camano Island after a long period of discernment and planning. Rev. Brandon Bailey was ordained in September 2012 to be the "organizing pastor" of Tidelands. We officially chartered as a new congregation on January 29, 2017. 

Hear more of the story about our beginnings by clicking on the image on the left.

Why Stanwood & Camano Island?

The initial motivation to explore the idea of planting a new church in Stanwood came through conversations with those who had once been part of a Presbyterian fellowship in the area and had a desire to see this continue in a new form. After nine months of moving through a discernment process with a team from Mountain View Presbyterian Church (Marysville, WA), we felt that God was indeed leading us to start something new in the area. We recognized that God's Church was already present in the community and we had no desire to recruit people out of their existing congregations. We believed then, and continue to believe now, that God called us to Stanwood by the Holy Spirit to participate in something that God was already doing, and to partner with other churches in the community to advance the Gospel of Jesus Christ, while also being unique in our Presbyterian theology and polity.